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Praise and criticism are welcome.* Just send it to [email protected]. Now on to the mailbag...

From: John Adams
Date: Mon, 06 Nov 2000

I'm a "CHRISTIAN"...not a republican or a democrat. I can't say I care much for any of our loving candidates life histories. My concerns are more focussed on my faith. The man that's been in office for the past few years has broken every one of the ten commandments with the exception of murder. There was mention of fowel play, when he was facing criminal prossecution, reguarding the mysterious deaths of workers in the white-house. "I" truly believe that he was behind that. Bill Clinton once claimed to be a "christian". Despite what he claims or what he does, the democratic party is right behind him, justifing or excusing his sins. That's GOD's job! Both parties have some good issues but GOD's should take priority. Abortion is wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Tom G.
Subject: HI
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2000

I really think if the people could relate to the fact that all people in the public eye will be part of the tabloid scandals sooner or later, that when Republicans complain about the things thier kids hear about like sex in government and scandals, are they even considering Bush has admitted cocaine use. Are we going to let our kids know it is ok to experiment with drugs and maybe they will become President. I would love to see a video of Bush snorting coke. I also would love to have the copywrite on the bumper stickers. ( OUR PRESIDENT IS A CRACKHEAD ). Keep up the good work.

From: Joe & Pat Urban
Subject: blind
Date: Mon, 30 Oct 2000

You guys are the ones who are blind and deaf. If you care al all about your country. Get back to Godly principals and vote for Bush.

From: [email protected]
Subject: Some sympathy
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2000

I see that you are very confused and disturbed. Here, let me help. Click here friend, and it will all be better.

From: Paul Marshall
Subject: Bush Project
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000

People, people: Change the system. Respect individual freedom and responsibility. Make a difference. Register Libertarian. Join the Libertarian Party. Vote Libertarian.

From: Jim Busch
Subject: You people are a bunch of losers
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2000

Yours is the most bigoted, illiterate, fearmongering & loathsome website I have ever seen. Why don't you people get ready to leave the country with Alec Baldwin when George Bush wins. Maybe Julia Roberts could jump into the boat along with you and go to someplace really friendly, like Russia or Commumnist China where politics are more suited to your type. Good idea or what!

From: Richard
Subject: get used to it.....
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2000

because george w bush will be our next president!!!!! May God Richly Bless You!!!! from a servants heart sincerely yours,Richard ordained music ministry of muncie indiana... mission *John3:17 going forth with the Gospel of Power to a lost and hurting world.................

From: Paul Trunzo
Subject: Wafflers
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2000

Lets get it straight.....Democrats do whatever it takes to get things done. Whatever that is...well, that's whatever someone, somewhere wants done right now, or later...whatever. Its sickening to listen to Gore speak about anything....then man couldn't take a leak without first getting the latest poll on how people (this second) feel about men holding their genitals.

Go BUSH! As for the rest of you for Gore and you'll be sure to get exactly what you asked for, whatever that is at that time....whenever....depends on who's asking, and what his staff thinks, and what's popular (not moral, or ethical!)

From: Matthew Ross
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2000

Too bad Bush will win. You and your ignorant group will be so disappointed.

From: [email protected]
Subject: i think that you need to grow up
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2000

you guys are nothing but i bunch of idiots trying to make everyone elses lives miserable because yours is. how could you vote for someone who lies about everything, and swears that he has all the reasons for the trouble in todays society when he has never been through half of what the american people have been through, and are going through now. he is a liar and a coward and will say anything to get us to beleive in him when its already been prooved that he lies. i stand behind George W. B ush and plan to until the end. his compation and willingness to serve this country is enought to proove that he deserves this chance. he is down to earth and he has a great personality and the means necessary to do the job. gore on the other hand thinks that his crap dont stink. i personally think that you need to think about what kind of person you want controlling America..... and please grow up!

From: [email protected]
Subject: im a bush lover
Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000

You guys need help. You have nothing else to do , but to make up this absolutley stupid website. How are you going to tell people who they should and shouldn't vote for. Everyday i begin to hate dem's like YoU even more. Arrogant and childish is what you are. VOTE FOR BUSH WE NEED TO GET THESE DEM'S OUT AND FAST.

From: Susan Oughtred
Subject: beautiful songs, love it , and so true
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2000

I only wish it could make it to the Late Show w/ Letterman

From: M. Widenouse
Subject: taxes
Date: Mon, 16 Oct 2000

I believe Bush means what he says about taxes lowered for working americans. It is so hard for a single elderly women to make ends met with 40% of our incomes going for taxes. We so want to hold on to what we have and Gore's give away programs, the taxes will go higher. Hope and pray he means what he says about lessening taxes.

From: Franklin D Donathan
Subject: President Bush GW
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2000

The problem is whomever is responsible for this site are dumb asses. It's all about honesty,integrity and dignity.

From: Rena Stone
Subject: your site
Date: Sun, 08 Oct 2000

I think you all are doing a GREAT job here... the rightwing has had us under their thumbs for too long, and rush limbaugh (he doesn't deserve capital letters) has had the monopoly on political commentary, and ya'll are giving him a good run for his money... I also LOVED the songs!! So funny! If I weren't out of work because the school district I worked for decided they should hire a new basketball coach for $50,000 a year, I'd be more than happy to contribute something... (the superintendent's daughter is a senior, and he wants her to have a winning season in the hopes of "earning" a college scholarship in b.ball)... in order to pay that new coach (who, incidentally, makes more than any other teacher in the district, even those WITH more education and experience) they had to let go a couple of teachers... me included... *sigh*... and, yes, these ppl are all supporters of ol' Dubyah... That's what we can look forward to if that man gets into office... If he does, my family and I are moving to Canada... =) I won't stay in a country that would elect such a person...

From: Nicholas Pandiscio
Subject: artic national wildlife refuge
Date: Fri, 06 Oct 2000

Why does't George Bush challange Gore's statement that the amount of oil in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge area is not worth recovering? A letter in today's Wall Street Journal claims that the region is estimated to contain about 16 billion barrels of crude oil, according to the U.S. Government's own agency, U.S. Geological Survey. I believe that Bush needs to directly assert that Gore is a liar in the next debate, and back it up with facts.

From: Christine Demarco
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000

I am sorry to see you wasted your time creating a website dedicated to a hotel raised moron with a feisty compulsive lying habit. He seems to have little in common with us and more in common with a coma patient. Maybe you should research you candidate before you try push a society blind nitwit into the highest ranking position in our country.

From: Roy & Regina Brehm
Subject: Your Right!!!!!!!!
Date: Thu, 05 Oct 2000

Your Gore has gored me out what and idiot just like you, idiots keep company with idiots

From: Robert F Eastman
Subject: Whats is will governor Bush will he do to help us
Date: Sun, 01 Oct 2000

To who ever it may consern I am in the trucking industry as a mater of fact bank rupped because of fuel prices.Romur has it tha GWB wants to add more department of transportation officers. instead of waisting tax payers money on that , we need to get the trucking industry back in shape or we are going to have some, real bad problens like shortages nation wide so what's up

From: [email protected]
Subject: If Georgy goes negative on Al
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000

Georgy's pals say that he will do to Al, what he did to McCain - character assassination. What should Al do? Nothing! If he responds in kind, the Republicans will accuse him of child abuse.

From: Lisa
Subject: Keep Up the Good Work!
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2000

I love your delicious wit and your brilliant song parodies! They are such a riot! I even copied the words for time immemorial. You have certainly brought smiles to many faces and have shown just what a sense of humor one can find in the political arena. Yes, I am a democrat. I love your music!

From: Albert Cardenas
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000

Oh, just have fun with this....if you can find some Harry Belafonte sound-alike (including Harry Belafonte himself, not including Bill Murray, please) to sing it for you, all the better. Just give me credit or I'll sue your liberal asses for trillions and trillions of the tune of "Day-o"...

Dubya - Dubya
Dubya dumb so he get my vote
Dumb - Me like dumb, me like dumb, me like dumb, me like dumb, me like Dubya
Dubya dumb so he get my vote
Rich guy running for president - Dubya dumb so he get my vote
Just like me, he never earn a cent - Dubya dumb so he get my vote

Come, Mr. Voter, man, let him have the office - Dubya dumb so he get my vote
I say, come, white guy voter, man, let him have the office - Dubya dumb so he get my vote
He take six mil, seven mil, eight mil, whee! Dubya dumb so me sell my vote
Me give six mil, seven mil, eight mil, whee! Dubya dumb so me sell my vote

Dumb - Me love Dubya - Dubya dumb so me sell my vote
Dumb - Me love dumb me love dumb me love dumb me love Dubya - Dubya dumb so
me sell my vote

A wonderful world for tax free spending - Dubya dumb so me sell my vote
I don't care if the debt's unending - Dubya dumb so me sell my vote
He take six mil, seven mil, eight mil, whee! Dubya dumb so me waste my vote
Me give six mil, seven mil, eight mil, whee! Dubya dumb so me waste my vote

Dumb - Me like Dubya - Dubya dumb so me sell my vote
Dumb - Me like dumb, me like dumb, me like dumb, me like Dubya - Dubya dumb
so me waste my vote

Come Mr. Voter man, carry him to office - Dubya dumb so we waste our vote
I say, come, white guy voter, man, carry him to office - Dubya dumb so we
waste our vote

Dumb, ya - dumb, ya - Dubya dumb so he get our vote
Dumb - me say dumb, me say dumb, me say dumb, he's a dumb-ass - Dubya win and
we lose all hope

From: [email protected]
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000


From: Katz
Subject: OOPS
Date: Sat, 09 Sep 2000

There is a difference when you say: Let's go where? Lets go to war. Accuracy counts when you are the president.

From: [email protected]
Subject: Going negative on Shrub
Date: Fri, 08 Sep 2000

Al Gore should not attack Bush because the Republicans may charge Gore with child abuse.

From: Abigail Swan
Subject: Bush tells GIRL Scouts to be Responsible when Fathering Children
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2000

I was wondering if you guys knew about a certain speech given by Little Georgy, (hmm have you guys got a Wake up Little Suzy song yet?) Anyway. In the summer of 1996 I recieved the Girl Scout Gold Award (the equal of the Eagle Scout Rank in Boy Scouts, the highest award you can get) and subsequently was invited along with all the other Girl Scouts in Texas who recieved the Gold Award that year, to go to Austin to be presented with the award and the governor was to make a speech to us. The Son of old foot in his mouth senior Bush, came out and proceeded to tell a room full of Girl Scouts, we're talking 95% women in the room, that he was supposed to make a speech to Boys State the week before which was cancelled, and he proceeded to give us that speech. Annoying enough that we worked so hard towards this award and he can't even come up with an original speech, but then he went on to lecture us in length on how we should be responsible if we should FATHER a child. Now if you're gonna recycle a speech, don't ya think that perhaps you should at least put some thought into your audience? I wonder what speech he'd opt to recycle the first time he spoke to the U.N.!!! And believe me I know a lot of people who were there, fully willing to corroberate this story.

From: David Simmons
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000

This site is devoid of any intellectual information whatsoever. If you think this is how you make this country better, you have missed the boat. Grow up.

From: John Locke
Date: Mon, 04 Sep 2000

You should change the name of this website to: THISWEBSITESUCKS.COM or WESUCK.COM

From: Austin Riede
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2000

I can't believe I'm really writing into a political e-mail forum, but I just wanted to say how amusing it was that Dec.14's message was so well-written and punctuated and that it contained something about your website's contributors being so "uneducated." Guess George "Dubya" Bush couldn't teach that one to read. I would really like to know why George W. Bush supporters really and truly believe that this is a fair system, and that Bush deserves to be voted for in this system. If you would like to try and explain this to me, I am at [email protected]. And please, stay away if you're just going to lambast me with broken irrelevant sentences about how great Jesus is or how I'm an evil leftist flag-burner. I'm looking for people who realize that having a difference of opinion doesn't make a person stupid. Thanks.

From: Andrew at Albemarle Printers
Subject: Georgy Bush
Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2000

Typical Liberal thinking (or actually lacking the ability to think). You are obviously ignorant of the issues facing our nation. All W wants to do is give EVERY American the chance to succeed in life and to be personally responsible for the choices we make for ourselves and our families. On the otherhand you liberals think that the GOVERNMENT should decide who succeeds, who is educated, how much you should earn, where you should live, how much freedom you can handle. It would be a great mistake to elect Gore, a person who has demonstrated that he has no integrity, but chooses to turn one citizen against the other with class warfare. Gore tells people that it is right to be jealous and envious of others property and prosperity, that it is right to confiscate property from those who worked hard to earn it soley because there are others that the GOVERNMENT has determined are more worthy. The democratic party should change its name to the Socialist/Communist Party. This is certainly not what our founding fathers had in mind for our nation and I pray that most voters will realize this and vote for W! I will!!!

From: Computer 3
Subject: FUCK YOU!
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000


From: Yosef
Subject: the propoganda of "the prosperity" in u.s
Date: Wed, 16 Aug 2000

i just want to stress a important point about propaganda of "the prosperity in u.s as a result of clinton policy" !! i think that there are two main reason for the progress in the u.s economy in the last decade : 1- the technology revolution especially the internet revolution . 2- the trade with china (reduce the inflation) , that began in period of bush father's president. i think the bill clinton not exploitation or utilization the first reason very well . i mean that for example : instead the economic growth should be 5-6% it is just 2-3% .

i think that the u.s under Republicans and bush utilize more the first reason than clinton and the domicratics . if they adopt my program of more utilization the technology revolution .

From: Carol Rae
Subject: Just jabber
Date: Sat, 12 Aug 2000

I have watched your site since it's beginning and I think that you must keep up the great work. The whining people who write in support of Bush, have no idea what it's like to be intelligent. George Bush is a disgrace to our political system in that, he is just too stupid to handle politics. He's actually too stupid to do just about any job I can think of in the USA. If his family would allow it, he could get special attention because of his brain deficiencies.

His God Father is his running mate, poor John McCain has been bought to sell Bush, notice Cheny isn't on the campaign trail with him. McCain will regret this.

What are my credentials? I have my degree in Communication and Political Science, a degree I earned at the age of 50 back in 1989 because I was going to run for the Senate in Pennsylvania. I had already made a feeble attempt at running for the House before I decided to get my education. I was more intelligent than GW without college. It amazes me that so many people are following him. He has no charisma, no brains, and no more diplomacy than a mule. I can only surmise that daddy is paying a big price for this gift.

I am scared to death that the American people, Republicans in particular, can allow someone of such low degree to reflect their party. I know that daddy has paid for enough people that can think, and are scholarly enough to serve as a silencer to this dummy; however, is the price they paid worth it. Even if they succeed in putting the numbskull in office, what then? Do they think that they can run the office? The dummy can't talk. I notice all the heavy speeches go to someone more capable. I just wish you'd push the coke issue a little more and the infidelity issues. God can't be George's cover forever. This man has to be exposed for what he is.

What can I say? I'm scared, ashamed, humiliated, and disgusted that this worthless pile of dung is close to being a President. The only thing I can do is throw up, and vote for an intelligent statesman who is deserving and credible. President Clinton will go down in history as one of the greatest Presidents in history.

From: Mary Schoen
Subject: Funny but Frightening
Date: Fri, 11 Aug 2000

The songs are funny, but when you listen to the words, you realize that "Georgy" is not a joke, but the scariest prospect for President in years.

More power to you guys. I, for one, am sending your web address to everyone I know.

From: Don Thomason
Subject: Remember....
Date: Wed, 09 Aug 2000

Just remember....Georgy Bush now has a "dick", known as Bush' dick!



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