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Praise and criticism are welcome.* Just send it to [email protected]. Now on to the archives...

From: Spencer B.
Subject: My Friend George Bush
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000

I think your song sound about right from a fat girl and three homos. However I also wish you would all go back to Austin where you belong with the rest or the liberals and homos. You should not be associated with Texas Tech. I hate for people to know we have your kind in Tech.

From: Paul H.
Subject: I'm With Ya!
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2000

Great site! Funny and insightful. I couldn't resist posting your URL on the Delphi political discussion forum, under "Daily Laughs From the 'Duh' Campaign (short for 'Dubya').

From: Disco Newt
Subject: Re: the georgy bush project
Date: Thu, 30 Mar 2000

The Georgy Bush Project, bringing Sooners and Longhorns together for a common goal....I like the sound of that.. :-)

From: Joseph Tangredi
Subject: Re: The Georgy Bush Project
Date: Wed, 29 Mar 2000

This was excellent!

From: Darel Peter Santucci
Subject: Hey, There! He's Gonna Tell His Daddy!
Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000

Hey there,

This URL is really happenin'! I've already contacted people in local radio here in Virginia Beach (about the songs), as I'm a local performing musician myself. This area is a Republican hotbed, but loyal Democrats like us did our part by voting for McCain in the primary, although only a few cities in Virginia carried McCain. You know WHY we did what we did, though - we couldn't take the thought of George "Dubyuh" Bush getting anywhere in his campaign.

Of course, on election day, I will be voting for Al Gore, and I know you people will, as well. I'm almost 40, but I remember college - and how we tried to get the word out. I have lots of fond memories of those days.

My partner and I want to use the song "Georgy Bush" in our own show, and I wanted to check with the songwriter before we did, as a matter of artistic courtesy. Also, if you can send me a master of the recording, I will digitize it for you AND burn a couple of CDs for you free of charge, as well as ship them to you. Stay idealistic! Thanks for showing enlightenment.

From: David
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000

hey man, thank you so much for pointing out this URL. I loved it.

From: Jim Buie
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2000


From: empressh1
Subject: Re: The Georgy Bush Project
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000

I got a kick out of your site. Keep the songs a comin

From: Justin Stover
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000

Hey, I'd just like to let you know that you're site i not only worthless, but also a great display of the foolish mind you have. I find it strange that people can look at a man who, not only displays excellent leadership, but also stands on th Word of God, and the characteristics of my savior, Jesus Christ. You only poke fun at George Bush because you lack the very thing that makes him special, and that is the faith in our creator, who "in the beginning, made the heavens in the earth." Also, that if you haven't yet, come to a realization that God the father sent His son, Jesus Christ, to the Earth in human form, living a sinless life, yet bearing the sins of US on Calvary's cross, as 1 Peter 2:24 states in truth, "Jesus own self bare OUR sins in his own body on the cross." He died a martyrs death. Yet, death couldn't hold him down. Three days later, he rose from the dead. His promise to us was that we would "Repent ye therefore, and be conveted, that your sins may be forgiven!. " He is just and will forgive us! His Word promises us that if we believe in Christ and what he did, we will have everlasting life in his heavenly palace!!! We also get to serve Him on Earth!!! It is true, your web page and your opinions are a disgrace, yet I write you this so that you may know that, if you don't have Christ, now is the time to accept Him! I pray that you will turn to God, if you haven't. I pray that George Bush, if it is the will of the Lord, will lead this country in truth, and that his rock will be the HOLY GOD!!! My personal e-mail is [email protected]. It sounds funny, but it is my address. My name is Justin Stover, and I am a 20 year old student at Word of Life Bible Institute. May God bless you

From: Sandra
Subject: Dubya
Date: Sun, 26 Mar 2000

Hey man! I really enjoyed your satirical look at Dubya. As a native San Antonian now living in Colorado Springs, CO against my will, I am horrified by the conservatism around me. At the right hand of our arch rival, the god damned demon, George W. stands against everything I believe in and I am committed to working against him. Your tunes have inspired me to do just that. Thanks!

From: h.p.
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000

wow, the new songs are great, and i love the album cover for The Austin Trio..whoever did it did a fantastic job. ;-)

From: Kemp
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000

A big Texas howdy to the pardners at the georgybushproject. I wanna thank all the cowboys and cowgirls there for listing my secret diary as a link to your wonderful web-site. As we say down here in Texas...all the quale don't hide in one bush. So, in the name of Travis, Bowie and the Holy Crockett here's hoping ya'll have a nice day.

From: Anna
Date: Sat, 25 Mar 2000

The new songs are a blast! I think you are wickedly wonderful! Someone asked me where the "al gore" songs were and I told them Republicans can't keep time...

From: Jim Sperber
Subject: Love the redesign!!!
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000

A great site that's not afraid to tell the truth about GWB just got better! The "Georgy Bush" initial song was wonderful enough, but the two new songs are wonderful too! The fact that your site emanates from Texas gives hope to those of us in the other Forty-Nine that GWB is NOT invincible and CAN be stopped! Keep up the great work.

From: deepak gupta
Subject: Airplay for Georgy?
Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000

Hiya, Love the song. You guys really do have a nice sound; there's a certain sweetly naive folkiness that works really well for parody. So the reason I'm writing is to ask whether you've gotten any play? Has the song been broadcast in Austin or anywhere else? A friend of a friend runs a small company that supplies parodies & other bits to radio stations and I think he'd be interested. I know people here in DC would love least some of us. Keep up the good work, -D

From: [email protected]
Subject: (no subject)
Date: Sun, 27 Feb 2000

Not that I support George Bush. Making fun of his geography skills is a bit ridiculous. Most people who have a reasonable geographic education will still make mistakes. Pronouncing foreign names can also be difficult. As to his public personae, yes much of it is based upon his name recognition. However, you cannot overlook many of the reform he has done in Texas. He is the not the greatest choice I admit, but to totally annihilate this man is beyond expressing your first amendment right. It's just sad.

By the way your singing sucks.

From: Leo Morris
Subject: LOVE IT!
Date: Mon, 21 Feb 2000

LOVE YOUR SITE!! It takes a classic song from my past and brings it (perhaps painfully) into the present. If you come up with any others, please let me know!

From: Jack Criddle
Subject: Georgy Bush
Date: Mon, 2 Feb 2000

I must say, I really love your song about George W. Bush. Even though I am not really that aware of polotics and stuff, this song really had me pissing my pants. Keep up the good work guys!


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