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From: Brian Busch Subject: listings Date: Mon, 29 May 2000
I would rather poke my eyes out with a sharp stick than help spread your irresponsible leftist crap.
Thanks and have a nice day.
From: Chris Subject: Georgy Bush Date: Sun, 28 May 2000
I feel it's refreshing to find a website that's so undoubtedly opposed to having George Bush as our next president.This site represents everything that is good about this country---the freedom to dis and mobilize against a candidate as unqualified as W.
From: Orlyn Ristow Subject: lyrics Date: Tue, 23 May 2000
You Kids are so funny and so very stupid when it comes to knowing what is going on in this country and the Democrat party. You can be assured of one thing, if it was not for the second amendment you would no longer have the first or for that matter any of the other amendments or the constitution it self.Are you prepared, if you had to, to defend your first amendment rights?, and what would you use, a stick? Good luck.
From: Nif Subject: ohmygod, your site is fantastic Date: Fri, 19 May 2000
i'm your biggest fan and am willing to sign up as your california promoter. how do i get a signed album cover????
linking to your site with next huge update, nif
From: Ric Haworth Subject: Back to the Good Old Days Date: Sun, 14 May 2000
So elect Al Gore. Horse manure in the streets, everything blackened with coal/wood smoke, and a world-wide depression. Even lawyers may suffer. Jeez, lets go back to the middle ages. Did the indians leave us enough flint to make tools? Grow up.
Ric Haworth Zion, Illinois
From: Dallas Denizen Subject: So-called reforms in Texas Date: Mon, 8 May 2000
They're closing low performing schools and the kids have no place to go. Dubya wants vouchers to beef up lower performing religious schools. Anyway, this is a guy who has bamboozled the media that he is reaching out. He ducked appearances before AARP, the Log Cabin Republicans, the NAACP. He assumes that Jews are going to Hell. He claims to have read the Bible but has yet to quote a single passage to define what "is in his heart." This guy is a combination of Warren Harding and a jack preacher. Let him explain his Social Security plan to the AARP, but he won't. As far as his compassion goes, he is sure that everybody on death row in Texas deserves to be there. Texas justice, i.e., if you're rich, you get away with it. If you're black and poor, you die.
If this guy wasn't born rich, he'd be flipping hamburgers. As far as compassion goes, you can put all of the compassion in the Republican Party in a flea's navel and still have room for Tom DeLay' s heart and two carraway seeds.
From: Marc Subject: Great Site Date: Sun, 30 Apr 2000
I love your site. I can't stand "Cokehead" Bush! His lying on his past drug and alcohol use is incredible! Maybe he should join Boris Yeltsin in the "Group of Alcoholic Politicians". How can the Christian Right support such a person? Should the youth of this nation follow such a person ?
From: Cindy Subject: Thanks!! Date: Thu, 27 Apr 2000
Hi! You signed my guestbook a while back, and I just wanted to say thank you! I had actually been to your Georgy Bush website before.... Its a very good site! I also can't stand Dubya. He is a globalist, and I think he is just a puppet for NWO establishment.
I take it from your website that you are a Democrat? I think its interesting that you, if you're on the left, don't like Clinton. But I think that's a good thing!
Well, thanks again, and take care!
From: Richard Davison Subject: George Junior Simple Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000
Love your critique on Mr. Smirkey and The Greedy Oppressive Plutocrats. The party of hate is alive and well judging by the vicious notes from those on the lower end of the Mental Richter Scale. You might want to zero in on Georgies' illustrious educational conquests in Texas. It's my understanding that Mr. Smirkey lowered the bar and had the schools prepping the youth to increase the scores. I'd say a very practical approach if you want to show instant success. Did I also say that I think it another smelly GOP trick on the citizens? Go get em' gang.
From: Bianca Cerri Subject: RE:NO ITALIAN WANTS BUSH FOR PRESIDENT Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2000
Friends: an hearty thank you from Italy for the fantastic site about "w". I have greatley appreciated. Just be informed that our friend Georgy "less than w" Bush is now using Italian soccer stadiums for his propaganda. In the attempt to get votes from the Italo American Community he sent his friend (a former American Ambassador in Italy) to the stadiums and asked the supporters of a premiere League football and the supporters of a second division team (Perugia and Viterbese are the name of the teams). This resulted in big signs waved by people that ignored they were being used as pawns of an electoral game. The supporters accepted to exhibit the signs just to please their American guest. Just consider that the majority of Italians ignore TOTALLY that a Governor can run for president. Leave alone the fact that the totality of Italians (leave out the few uthopists like me fighting for human rights) ignore totally that Texas is the capital of execution of the western world. The signs the supporters waived (ignoring who George Bush is and, most of all, ignoring English and therefore unable to translate the messages) said "ITALIANS WANT BUSH FOR PRESIDENT". Useless to add that this is a big big lie...Please add to your site
From: Christian Bruun Subject: website Date: Mon, 24 Apr 2000
Love the website. Thank you for signing my guest book. I have linked to your page. Keep up the great work.
From: Abbagirl Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2000
Your site is fantastic, keep it up!
From: Michael Lance Newby Subject: Hate Mail Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000
Of course I could just go on and on about how immoral and unethical the Democrats have been over the last eight years, but that would just go in one ear and out the other with you guys. So... without wasting too much of my own time, I'll just leave it with a short, quaint,
You have got to be completely outta your gourd!
Do you guys have a daytime job? Are you in some way getting money through an endowment for the arts? I would venture a guess that a Republican Presidency would somehow endanger your livelihood. Oh well... everyone has an opinion.
Live long... but please, don't procreate.
From: Duane Simolke Subject: Hello from Lubbock! Linked to you. Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2000
Someone who visited my site suggested that I visit your site. I assume that means that everyone who visits your site tells you to visit my site. If not, then they should.
Gather up your fan e-mail messages, write them all back, and tell them to visit my site, as soon as you can. Turn it into a chain letter, if possible. No one gets enough of those. Spruce it up by asking for money.
To inform everyone that I already know you're out there (so to speak), I've added a link to you on my home page, under "Texas links." That section is just above "My books." (I didn't have a section for bush-bashing music and links sites.)
Seriously, please consider linking back to me on your links page. I think you'll find some of my pages interesting. If you decide to link to me, it doesn't matter which of my pages you use for the link--whichever one you like most.
From: Carol Bourgeois Subject: Contacting you Date: Tue, 11 Apr 2000
Excellent parody site. I came here from Yahoo! Democrats to see the creepy mail. It's true! You've been slimed! I appreciate the Log Cabin post -- I had wondered why the Log Cabin Republicans aren't Democrats. I found here a good explanation. (I urge all Log Cabin Republicans to send a message to the GOP by voting Democrat.)
So, Republicans support less Federal intrusion into American rights, unless they're American women. (Women don't need parity in the workforce OR reproductive rights? Right? Right! They _do_ need guns, however.) The GOP supports tax breaks for all you long-form earners. Big tax breaks. Especially for the people who deserve their free speech rights, because they address the right issues. (Unlike liberal heathens.)
Republicans apparently are still stinging from the shame of Watergate, and they're in total ongoing denial about Iran-Contra. They support First Amendment freedom of speech for big fund-raisers and 501(c)(3) and (4) corporations, but not for individuals with funny websites. ("There should be limits to freedom.")
By the way, while I'm on the subject of tax-exempt crooks, look at these bozos. While these people can't seem to separate themselves from our political system, how forward-thinking of them to turn out to protest the abuse that Christians have to tolerate in this country! Why think of it, people actually make jokes about Christians and tolerate other religions. Thank the maker that these fine people are standing up for the Angry WASPs in this country. They are SO misunderstood. Republicans actually DO speak out against intolerance: see?
"The Jews have the Anti-Defamation league. The Catholics have the Catholic league. Bravo for Tom Pedigo for starting the NAACD." (Marshall Fritz. Separation of School & State Alliance. Fresno, CA.)
"There is no doubt that there is an increase in discrimination against Christians. As you probably know, we have reported this on my program, 'The 700 Club,' and the American Center for Law and Justice, which I founded, has been fighting this in the courts." (Pat Robertson. Chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network & Chief Executive Officer)
"It is wonderful to hear of your plans with your organization. It is indeed amazing the extent to which Christian principles and Christian practices are expunged in the name of 'tolerance' and 'pluralism.' The account of legal discrimination against Christianity all in the pursuit of some 'outcome-based religion' or societal 'religious equality' continue to increase. Thank you for taking a stand! I pray that God will prosper you and your endeavors for Him in this new work." (David Barton. President of WallBuilder.)
"Tom, I also give my written blessings to you in your work to defend the cause of Christ." (Rev. Jerry Falwell. Founder of Liberty Alliance and the Moral Majority. Lynchburg, VA.)
"Gary Bauer was pleased to learn of the mission of NAACD to challenge and counter anti-Christian bias and bigotry. Family Research Council welcomes new allies in this battle to rebuild a civil norm that recognizes the essential contribution of our Christian heritage to American society." (Charles A. Donovan. Executive Vice President of the Family Research Council.)
"It is encouraging to hear about your efforts to establish an organization to confront issues of religious freedom. As you probably know, religious liberty is a matter of importance to Dr. Dobson and one which he has addressed repeatedly. Dr. Dobson sends his warm regards." (John Perrodin. Special Assistant to Dr. James Dobson. Focus on the Family.)
"We agree with you that there is a serious need for the Christian equivalent of an anti-defamation league. As has been well defined by others, when a culture wants to marginalize a segment of that culture, the steps are to ignore them, ridicule them, censor them, imprison them, and then persecute them. Our culture is well along that path regarding people of the Christian faith. Christians are the only ones that it is acceptable to criticize and ridicule in our country today. The movie industry, the television industry, the newspaper media, the anti-virtue forces in our nation, and the homosexual activists are all actively engaged in Christian bashing. May God bless your and your efforts." (Clark Hollingsworth. Coral Ridge Ministries. Ft. Lauderdale, FL)
"May God bless the efforts of your new organization. I commend you for what you are attempting to do." (Dr. D. James Kennedy. Center for Reclaiming America . Ft. Lauderdale, FL.)
"I am pleased to support the National Alliance Against Christian Discrimination. We live in an era when political correctness has gripped the nation. We are forbidden to even tell a funny story about certain groups and nationalities. But Christians can be ridiculed in the most vulgar of terms and that is supposed to be just fine. I am pleased you are finally saying 'Enough is enough!'" (Paul Weyrich. Free Congress Foundation. Washington, D.C.)
"Religious freedom is very near to our heart at the Alliance Defense Fund. We will stand with you in prayer, dear brother. May God guide you and bless you in this endeavor." (Alan E. Sears. President and General Counsel of the Alliance Defense Fund. Scottsdale, AZ.)
"I commend you on your burden and vision for wanting to make a difference in turning the direction of our country around in terms of how Christians seem to be treated nowadays." (Richard Roberts. President and CEO of Oral Roberts University.)
They're really into private schools as an expression of their family values, but they don't support public schools, and they don't respect or value the working class. In fact, they are openly hostile to labor. Labor. That's not just their mythical "labor bosses," as we well know, Labor embodies the voice of the working guy, and I count myself one with them. If you or I jacked around at our job as much as the Republican House has, we would be fired.
I urge Americans to fire the Republican House. They haven't been working hard for you; they've been playing reindeer games. With notable exception, I would consider culling the Senate too.
The Republican Congress had to be dragged kicking and screaming to the table to address the needs of the elderly after they fiddled away two years with their insane and malicious witchhunts. They refused to work, instead preferring to waste time trying in vain to tip the scales of the checks and balance system to their immediate favor.
Re: The other detractors of the GeorgyBush Project. Some Bush supporters appear to be anarchist. (I assume they are Bush supporters, otherwise, why would they get so wound up about this website?) Still scores of others are arrogant, superficial, potty-mouth party-liners with delusions of grandeur (or of spirituality.) Some others are clearly homophobic, probably bigoted too, and possibly dangerous. Y'all at the Georgy Bush Project sure have your work cut out for you!
From: Trista Date: Mon, 10 Apr 2000
I especially liked the Georgy Bush song. I have shipped your site to my personal e-mail addresses, keep up the great work.
From: Lot 49 Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000
Thanks, and keep up the good work.
From: Everything Political Subject: Great site. Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
Great site. Great music, too. Keep up the good work. Interesting reader comments. Is Austin really full of liberals and homos? I assume that guy meant homo sapiens? What, exactly, is your kind? And, how many of you are there at Texas? "If it gets you profit, sell your mother" -- Ferengi Rule of Acquisition and Republican motto.
From: Brian Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
That's a good looking site you put together -- love the tongue-in-cheek. Though I am a Republican, I share your dismay with the Bush campaign. We in Log Cabin are all Republicans and believe in most of the Republican Party's ideals such as individual liberty and responsibility, fiscal prudence, the importance of strong families -- all types of families, a strong national defense, and local rights. We've decided it is more important to remain within the Republican Party and help educate it from the inside rather than leaving it for a one-issue (albeit important) cause.
From: Voter Solutions Subject: great service! Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
I visited your web site as well, and found it to be a very humorous way of explaining the problems that face our country if "Georgy Bush" takes the reins. Politics appears very boring and un-involving to most people...you have found a good way to relate the importance behind staying active, and also getting your message out in creative ways. Keep up the good work!
From: Keith Jurena Subject: closed mind? Date: Thu, 6 Apr 2000
This site is subversive to our form of representative democracy by virtue of its banner statement "keep America voting...for Democrats". This implication that a unicameral system is necessary quells dissention and is one short step from a totalitarian system.
This site is prima facia evidence the Democratic party is conducting a campaign no less criminal than the Watergate break-in. The fact that Al Gore is involved with dirty money and is a primary holder in Occidental Petroleum isn't mentioned here. Yes, he holds significant interest in South American oil reserves, granted to him in his father's will. Did you know Armand Hammer and Al Gore Sr. were good friends? The former is a well documented communist but I digress.
The Democrats are using a campaign based on ad hominum attacks. Its time for this site to cease and dissest.
From: Jerome Lyons Subject: Very Good! Date: Mon, 3 Apr 2000
Very funny! Clever, and original...
However, has anyone around here heard that Al Gore grew up a spoiled rich kid - same as George W? So much for that down home, farmboy, image (for Al Gore) and the wealthy, privileged, corrupt image (for George W.)!
From: James Meyer Subject: DON'T WORRY BECAUSE Date: Sun, 2 Apr 2000
more... E-mail to this address becomes the property of The Georgy Bush Project. We reserve the right to publish that mail on this web site. We will publish the names and email addresses of those who write nasty emails. You should have the guts to stand next to your comments, you weasels. Consider yourself warned. If you're sending us praise, feel free to request that we leave off your name. We will never publish email addresses of our fans. Unfair? You bet.